As the title already reveals, the summer is over, after the two-month holiday in beautiful Europe we are back to our beloved home in Dubai! It was our second year spend most of our summertime travelling around Europe, visiting friends and family.
Dubai is very hot in summer, that's why everyone from here is escaping to other places, Europe is the perfect destination, rest of the year we travel to exotic destinations, but the two summer months are definitively reserved for my second home Czech Republic, Germany and Switzerland. Of course, we have not missed the chance to visit beautiful Italy and France. I love the idea to get out of the house and drive where ever you can think off.
Once you live in Dubai, you realise how simple is to live and travel in Europe. You take a train or a car and go. Here in Dubai is everything reachable only by the plane.
However, we are back, and we feel how good is to be home. We missed our lovely friends, our activities which we can not imagine to live without. Èstelle continues with her Ballet, and Piano classes, new on our plan is a French kindergarten, she just started and love going there. I started my new fitness plan. We are happy to see our horses we missed the entire summer. Oh!, and our two cats Ginger and Tiger!
So, my dear Dubai, you made us feel welcomed already at the airport, you always good to us, even though we sometimes find difficult to stand the heat outside, but we believe in you, we love you, and we are looking forward to good days starting after the summer holiday.
Kiss H&È
Quote I really like:
"In Dubai we don't wait for thinks to happen, we make them happen."
Shk. Mohammed Al Maktoum